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Single Sign On (SSO)

Mission Control uses kratos for identity management. Login via email/password is the default flow but any OIDC provider supported by Kratos can be used

See Providers more details on supported providers.

Microsoft Entra (Azure AD)

  1. Create a new Azure Entra App Registration

    • Add a new app from Azure AD App Registration
    • Record the Client ID (Application ID) in the Overview page
    • Add an allowed redirect URI of https://<ingress>/api/.ory/self-service/methods/oidc/callback/microsoft where <ingress> is the value specified during setup
    • Token Configuration
      • Add the email optional claim
      • Add a groups claim if you want to map Azure AD Group Membership to roles in Mission Control
    • Certificates & Secrets
      • Create a new client secret
  2. Get The Tenant ID Get the Tenant ID (Directory ID) from Directories

  3. Create a JSONNET claims mapper Jsonnet is used to map the claims provided by Azure AD, to the Kratos Identity Schema

    local claims = std.extVar('claims');
    identity: {
    traits: {
    name: {
    [if 'given_name' in claims then 'first' else null]: claims.given_name,
    [if 'family_name' in claims then 'last' else null]: claims.family_name,

    [if 'raw_claims' in claims &&
    'groups' in claims.raw_claims then 'groups' else null]: claims.raw_claims.groups,

    [if 'preferred_username' in claims then 'email' else null]: claims.preferred_username,
    [if 'email' in claims then 'email' else null]:,

    See MS Entra ID Tokens

  4. Update the helm values

    Create the mapper_url by Base64 encoding the jsonnet file and prefixing it with base64://

    enabled: true
    - id: microsoft
    provider: microsoft
    microsoft_tenant: # The Azure AD Tenant Id
    client_id: #...
    client_secret: #...
    mapper_url: base64:// #base64 encoded mapper_url
    - email
    - openid
    - profile