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Config DB

idID of the config itemuuid
external_idUnique aliases that refer to the same item[]stringAmazonEC2/i-abcd, aws::ec2::instance:/i-abcd
agent_idThe agent which scrapped the itemuuid
nameThe name of the config itemstring
typeThe type of the config itemstringEC2::Instance, Kubernetes::Pod, Azure:VM
config_classA non-cloud specific class of resourcesstringVM
configThe config of the config itemJSON
descriptionThe description of the config itemstring
namespaceThe namespace of the config itemstring
parent_idThe parent ID of the config itemuuid
scraper_idID of the scraperuuid
sourceThe source of the config itemstring
statusThe externally reported status of the item using is-healthystringHealthy,Progressing, Terminated
tagsTags or labelsmap[string]string
created_atWhen the item was created (could be before the last scrape time)time.Date
updated_atWhen the config item was last materially changedtime.Date
delete_reasonThe reason why an item was deleted, STALE items can be "undeleted"stringSTALE, FROM_ATTRIBUTE, FROM_EVENT,FROM_DELETE_FIELD
deleted_atThe time when a config item has been detected as removedtime
last_scraped_atWhen the config item was last scrapedtime.Date